Sunday, August 21, 2011


Where did my daily workout plan go? Based on the many excuses I keep telling myself, it's gone to H*LL, or as I like to say:
1. I am too busy at work. I have too many meetings. I have to get this done by 5pm today.
2. My knees hurt too much.
3. I am still sick with cold... sore throat... achy body... headache...etc etc etc
4. I need to clean my house... go grocery shopping... do laundry... (and if you know me, this is more a bullsh*t excuse than any of the others!)
5. I can only go for 30 minutes, so why bother.

And on and on and on and on....

I am TRYING. I think about working out all the time. I cut out recommended workouts from magazines and put them in a file I keep fully stocked with other workouts. I open my workout clothes drawer and see if anything still fits.

Inspiration is as close as opening my closet and trying on a pair of new jeans... that don't fit. Not because they are too big, but because they are TOO TIGHT.

My 10 pounds to lose grew to 15 pounds. As of this morning, I've lost 5. So now I'm back at my original goal of losing 10 pounds. I really think I am subconsciously fighting this goal. But have no idea why. And I don't have time to go to therapy to find out why. (see excuses above)

On the plus side, I do think I'm eating better (except for the candy that I seem to crave all the time)... lots of salads, veggies, fruit. Little or no wheat and dairy. And I am only drinking wine occasionally. Of course, on those few occasions, I seem to make up for the lost time or lost vino, as the case may be.

So, I'm going to tell you, my readers, that I am pledging to work out with weights 3 days a week, and some type of cardio the other 4 days for at least 30 minutes. I need to make it part of my everyday schedule. Instead of "fitting" it into my schedule, it will already be there... like taking a shower or putting on makeup or getting out of bed.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let this public pledge work.

Stay strong.
No pain, no gain.

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