Friday, June 3, 2011

And the Knee Gives Out

This morning when I woke up, I was pretty pleased with myself for creating this blog last night. The vino helped with the creativity... and NO fitness plan will ever get me to give up the red vino... so don't even think it. I was excited to actually work out with BG so I could blog about it. And of course edit out the things he talks about. Funny, but a bit OUT THERE.

I used to have strong BG told me in one of his motivational talks recently, "f*cking AWESOME legs". I think back on those days and smile, because my legs were strong. There is something about being physically strong that is very empowering for a woman. Not to mention the fact that I didn't mind wearing short skirts and shorts back then. Now... not so much.

My leg workouts are pretty simple now...squats with no weights or very light weights, lunges with no weights or very light weights, split squats, etc etc. No leg press with 495#, no walking lunges with 110# on my shoulders. Nope. I'm a sissy now. I lift weights like a girl. (not that there is anything wrong that!)

Not long into my sissy leg workout, my right knee gave out. I specifically call the right knee out because typically its my left knee that hurts and twinges (if you have knee problems, you know what a twinge feels like... if you don't, then you aren't old enough to realize your body turns on you at a certain age). There goes the workout!

BG is determined my knees will get better. So, we roll out. If you don't know what that is, let's just say its painful but in the end feels good (you use one of those pilates rollers). He forced me to buy my own roller last year, but it seems to sit in a dark room, buried by discarded clothes and miscellaneous junk. The sad thing is I know it works. I just can never remember HOW to roll out. Every time we roll out together, he looks at me and says "hmmm, K, its the other leg" or "K, you need to turn your body in the opposite direction". So no wonder I don't roll out at home!

Seriously, on the roller, BG tells me that if I roll out religiously, then my knees will get better (BG - if you read this, please comment on this blog WHY rolling out works - I forgot!), so instead of being in constant pain in 5 years, I can be active and have minimal pain.

If my memory and concentration isn't bad enough already, while rolling out, BG and P (another trainer at Vital 360) start rapping about going hiking, so I'm laughing too hard to actually roll out. Once those two start feeding off of each other, I need to leave. Concentration is shot. And you never know when you might become a target of their insanity.

Stay strong. No pain no gain.

1 comment:

  1. i am so proud of you for all your effort! i need a BG here with me to get me motivated - i have never been that interested in working out (obviously! ha!) and i'm glad you are not giving up the vino rosa. :-)
