Monday, June 6, 2011

Eight Pounds

If I wire my mouth shut, I might be able to lose those 8 pounds I want to get rid of... or more. The problem with wiring my mouth shut is that I would only be able to get my nourishment through a straw, which means I would probably drink more wine than normal. And Ricardo the Vino Chub would win the battle of the bulge. Yes, that layer of fat that sits around my middle does have a name. Ricardo is the ever present stalker in my life.

Ricardo took up permanent residence about 5 years ago... the year before my sabbatical when I prepared myself for all of that wine drinking in Italy by drinking large amounts of wine at home. Even though I was working out almost every day with weights or cardio, Ricardo decided he liked it here, and has been around ever since.

BG has assured me that if I did an hour of cardio a day, Ricardo would pack up and leave. I used to do two hours of cardio a day so why can't I make it to the gym? Why do I make up so many stupid excuses, including:
- an hour is really more like two hours once you add in picking out the outfit, getting ready, going to the gym, getting set up, etc
- I just have to watch HGTV
- I am SO tired
- I am SO hungover
- I will do it tomorrow

And yet... I don't go.

I did make progress today though... I actually looked at the group fitness class schedule online.
I took a 30 minute walk at lunch.
This past weekend I did some bicep curls...based on the amount of alcohol I drank both Saturday and Sunday, there was a hell of a lot of bicep curls completed!

I even bought some fruit. Well, really, I only bought the fruit because I needed something to put in the bowl I made at pottery class. So the bowl is helping me with my fitness goals.


Stay strong. No pain no gain.

1 comment:

  1. they say awareness is the first step of any journey!
