Sunday, June 19, 2011

One Hour

I am going to talk about last week's successes, since today I ate like a pig and didn't do any physical exercise. I did wear high heels (or as my friend Jenn says, "wedges") and that is always a workout for me. With my level of coordination, it is a victory not to fall on my *ss anytime I wear anything over an inch high.

I am proud to say that I did two workouts with BG last week and made it to the gym three times to do cardio. THREE TIMES. That doesn't sound like much, but since it was THREE times more than I have done in the past year, I would say that is definitely progress.

I have this belief that if I go to the gym and do just cardio, I have to do at least one hour of cardio. No less. If I am also strength training, then I can do less cardio, but I still need to be at the gym for at least ONE hour. I am not sure what the ONE HOUR is all about, but if I am there less than that, I feel like a fitness fraud. And I can't have that now, can I? After one year of sitting around on my couch, eating bon-bons, I wouldn't want to be considered a fitness fraud.

But I am proud of the cardio. And it felt GOOD. Well, while I was doing it, it didn't feel so good. I felt like I was dying. But afterwards, afterwards it felt great. I forgot how it felt to sweat like that, to push myself.

And although I didn't lose any weight, in fact, I gained a f*cking pound (I'm telling you, I need to wire my mouth shut), I do have plans to do cardio again this week.

Stay strong. No pain, no gain.


  1. one hour is definitely a good routine to stick with. i set lots of "rules" for myself like that - pull 25 weeds a day, run at least 3 errands at a time, etc. but it seems to work at making me more efficient!

  2. hahaha. pull 25 weeds a day. I would be pulling weeds forever! I like your thinking!
