Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Background

Although there's a story behind this blog, I'm going to keep it simple, and just say BG (for Big Guy, or as some of you know him as Clinton, owner and awesome trainer of Vital 360 Personal Training in Hillsboro, Oregon) suggested I start a blog to motivate me to actually "desire" to work out. hahah. Sometimes he really cracks me up.

I started working out with BG EIGHT years ago. I claim I am his oldest client (in number of years training, NOT age). We have had our ups and downs. When I met him he had a military drill sergeant attitude, so there was LOTs of yelling at me. In reality, this style really worked, under his training I was in the best shape of my life, achieved an 17% body fat, could lunge around the gym with 110# on my shoulders, leg press approx 500#, etc. etc. etc. I was in the best shape of my life because of BG!

Add a few years, a torn ab muscle, getting hit by a car while on bike, knee surgery, a broken rib... well, you get the picture. No excuse, but there have been some physical hurdles that have slowed me down a bit. And I used them to the best of my ability.

To give BG credit, the bike accident could have been so much worse, but a lot of his training was focused on being able to move for everyday life activities. So I was able to jump, roll, and land... while the bike went under the car. Of course, I'm not so comfortable riding a bike next to cars anymore.

Fast forward to present day. I've gained weight. I'm not motivated. Bad attitude towards my local gym (due to a relationship ending 2 years ago... I DON'T recommend meeting someone at the gym!). Time off from training with BG. Let's just say there is a BIG window for improvement.

Goals: better attitude, muscle definition, toned, lower body fat weight, more muscle, better nutrition, more energy, longer life.

That's a hell of a lot of goals. Luckily, BG is determined to drill a better body attitude into me.

Stay strong. No pain no gain.

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