Monday, June 13, 2011

And She Does It

Yesterday I had lunch with my friend E. I met her years ago at the gym, she is a fitness trainer so I took both spinning and pilates classes from her. That was back in my 2 hours a day at the gym, so I was in the best shape of my life at that point. We became friends and started getting together once a month or so. And you guessed it, I don't take classes from her anymore.

E always asks about my workouts, but she doesn't know the extent of my lack of energy or desire to go to the gym. When she asked me "how many days do you do cardio?" and I responded, honestly this time, "ZERO". E was shocked. I could hear the shock in her voice and the look on her face (even behind sunglasses, I could see that look I've seen on others faces, the "what HAPPENED TO you" look.)

Even with all of BG's pep talks, nutrition guidance, and life chats, it was the shock of E that really made me say "WTF am I doing". I mean what DID happen to me? How could I go from top of my fitness game to couch potato in such a short time? Men? Travel? Work? All these things add up to being part of the reason, but really, not the full reason. My slump is pretty much self induced, my excuses merely bullshit.

It's time to get it back. I have four months until Cabo. Can I get into a bikini again? That is the true test. No matter what anyone says, its the bikini that tells you if you made it or not.

So today I went to the gym and did an hour of cardio. Fortunately my son is home for the summer and we are going to the gym together. What? Do you think I would just do this on my own!? hahaha. Of course this cost me, since he wasn't a member, but I think in the long run, it will be to my benefit to pay for his gym membership over the summer. Over the next few months, going to the gym will become part of my routine again. And I will make my twice a week training appointments with BG. He will kick my ass.

Now I just need to pray that my body holds up.

Stay strong. No pain no gain.


  1. good for you! and you're right, the bikini is the true test of being in shape. i'm afraid those days are over for me but, with a goal like cabo, you have the perfect motivation.

  2. haha. I think I need a LOT more time to reach that goal. :)
